- 67.6 miles
- 7 hours 51 minutes
- 8.4 mph average speed
- 4-9 mph winds
We had a nice calm day for traveling. A few pictures as we were leaving St. Augustine:
When we docked at Fernandina, the starboard engine would not shut down. This is when we learned that the only way to shut off a diesel engine is to cut off its fuel. After what seemed like an hour and with the help of several other boat owners, we got the engine to shut down. During the scramble, one of the men helping us put his hand in the wrong spot and ended up in the ER. He ended up with two broken fingers and some deep cuts. When we saw him the next morning, he could not have been nicer and actually apologized to US for the mishap. It turns out we need a new fuel cut off solenoid which, of course, could not be locally sourced and will have to be ordered. In the meantime, Kevin is manually turning off the fuel to the starboard engine each time we stop.
Fernandina is a lovely town with a beautiful downtown district with a lot of nice restaurants and shops and definitely a place where we would like to return one day for a longer visit. We enjoyed an informative trolly ride around the northern end of the island.
Fort Clinch State Park is definitely a place we would like to come back and visit and are sorry we were not able to visit this time. There are bike and hiking trails, a beach and Fort Clinch. The best we could do this time was pictures as we were leaving the island.
We really wanted to visit Cumberland Island and had planned to dingy there from the Marina but, after being told we could stay another night, we were told that our spot was needed for someone else. The MTOA is currently having their Rendezvous here so we have to move on.